Not Being Your Own Worst Boss

Not Being Your Own Worst Boss Check out this interview I did on The Entrepreneur Way with Neil Ball. Neil is out of Manchester, England and I’m in Omaha, NE, but through the miracle of modern technology we had sit and a talk about sales and marketing. You can listen to it here: Neil […]

Teleseminar: Getting the Most From Your Marketing Vendors

Teleseminar: Getting the Most From Your Marketing Vendors Have you ever said something like this? “I think there are as many ‘marketing consultant’ hucksters out there as there are Nigerian Prince internet scams…I want to grow, we NEED to grow, but finding truly talented and capable marketing and sales professionals is more difficult and painful than […]

Amalgamate: Summer 2016 (#3 in a series)

The Summer 2016 Edition of Amalgamate It’s here! The  Summer 2016 edition of my semi-annual collection of ideas for your business. This edition includes ideas on Decision Making, Managing Your People, and Persuasion tactics your team can implement today. If you received a copy of the Summer Edition 2015 and the Winter Edition 2015, you’re going to get the Summer […]

Fortune Cookie Wisdom #2 – Yes, yes, yes, you’re doing it all right

Yes, yes, yes, you’re doing it all right Look at how the top managers get top performance from their teams. You’ll see them reinforcing proper behaviors as much as you will see them correcting improper behaviors. I’m pretty sure that’s how my wife has trained me to stay on top of my household chores. It […]

Fortune Cookie Wisdom #7 – The Sure Way To Sales Improvement

The Sure Way To Sales Improvement Most sales training falls short of expectations because it pits a yes answer against no. As in, yes is the optimal answer and no is the suboptimal one. If that same sales training elevates no to the same plane as yes and pits them both against an answer of […]

Who is Your #2?

Who is Your #2? I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership lately because I overheard someone say “they’re not a good leader” in a 360 feedback session. It was something about how they said it that stuck with me. I’ve turned it over in my mind multiple times, because what makes a good leader? 

Fortune Cookie Wisdom #5 – Hire Personable Copycats

Hire Personable Copycats. Top companies attract top people. One of the ways that happens is by hiring for personality and the new hire’s ability to emulate proper behaviors. Before you hire the next person, do two things: strip away all the past accomplishments and accolades and ask, will we like working with them? Then put […]

Chambers Pivot: December 7, 2015 – an update of all that’s good at CPI

Chambers Pivot: December 7, 2015 – an update of all that’s good at CPI 2015 Rushes By This is the annual update of all that’s happening at Chambers Pivot Industries. You’re on my list because, well, you’re on my list! This 2015 update will cover the following: – A Consultant Hires a Consultant – A […]

The Winter 2015 Edition of Amalgamate

The Winter 2015 Edition of Amalgamate It’s here! The Winter 2015 edition of my semi-annual collection of ideas for your business. This edition includes ideas on Business Strategy, Business Practices that Fit, and Tactics your team can implement today. If you received a copy of the Summer Edition, look for your Winter Edition to show […]

Earning Trust and New Business