The Ride Along

The Ride Along Recent events in Waco (9 killed in biker war at Waco, Texas restaurant) remind me of smaller conference room skirmishes that happen every day. Consider this scene. The curtain opens to show a Conference Room on floor 34 of the big bank building. There are 8 people gathered around a long table. The well dressed […]

Build Trust In a Connected World

Building Trust in a Connected World Today I offered a client some communication advice. Using specific language that helps their prospect come to a “yes” or “no” decision faster. Shortening the sales cycle. Language that hasn’t changed in many, many years.  This article was sent to emphasize the points I made. Especially the part about the […]

Organic or Paid Website Traffic?

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What Has Happened, Will Happen – Tactics for Lead Generation

What Has Happened, Will Happen – Tactics for Lead Generation In our first episode, we went to the white board and put a frame around the challenge of complex lead generation for professional services. (“Complex Lead Generation – a Big List of Tactics“) In the second episode, we went into that frame and identified where […]

Into the Mailbag – A Pricing Question

Into the Mailbag – A Pricing Question It’s been a while since I dug into the mailbag looking for a trend. So while the house is quiet, let me bring up a topic that’s incredibly consistent. Pricing. From the freelancer looking for advice on hourly rate to the vendor quoting a price that ends on […]

How Jobs Get Filled – A Redux

How Jobs Get Filled – A Redux It’s the end of the year. Economic indicators are up. The number of people out of work continues to drop. The press has taken notice. There are a few articles that have come out and caught my attention lately. One was a look at the number of new hires […]

How We Generate Early Stage Leads in a Complex Sales Process

How We Generate Early Stage Leads in a Complex Sales Process In my last missive we ran through a high level Big List of Complex Lead Generation Tactics. Someone gave me the white board and the scribbles were flying. Heads nodded and understanding floated down. “I get it,” someone offered. “Now what?” Start with the […]

Complex Lead Generation – A Big List of Tactics

Complex Lead Generation – A Big List of Tactics  “What’s the best way for us to generate leads?” A big question with no single answer. In order to demonstrate the depth and breadth of tactics available for a professional services firm, I jump up to the whiteboard and draw a circle.

Tropical Shirts and Value Propositions

Tropical Shirts and Value Propositions As the Final Mad Gringo Go Slow Tropical Shirt campaign moves along, I am reminded of the discussion  about selling to “value” and my use of a tropical shirt as analogy.  Specifically, the price and value of a Ralph Lauren 100% Viscose orange tropical shirt versus the old Mad Gringo 100% […]

Trusted Advisors and New Business Idea Generation

Trusted Advisors and New Business Idea Generation “All I did was add overhead without any change in the top line. I think I need to go back to the way things were because your idea to add high-powered administrative staff isn’t working.” Hold on! In the last article we went through some simple math to […]