Sales and Marketing Workshops with FIT

“Greg’s exercises and processes coupled with in-house training, a book to accompany the training to illustrate points, hands-on approach with making people do the work and interact were good. Is hard to do without someone from the outside sharing Greg’s overall approach and demeanor and real world personal examples to share.”

Brad Lauritson, KPE Engineering

Customizable FIT Workshops

Improve your team’s focus, engagement, and selling energy by applying FIT concepts in fast-paced, low-risk workshops.

For years, I was convinced that the only way for someone to learn the principles of FIT was to engage with me one-on-one, where I challenge them to apply the process directly to the work at hand. I still think of this as the fastest path to results, but my thinking changed when I was asked to train a group of managers in a workshop setting. That forced me out of my comfort zone and resulted in a key insight on how to structure events that include everything a manager needs to internalize and apply FIT with their teams. It went so well that I’m embarrassed that it didn’t occur to me to run workshops earlier.

I now offer 1/2 and full day sessions on

  • Fast Strategy and Planning with Purpose
  • Jumpstart Selling with Individual Strengths
  • Generating Predictable Revenue with Technology
  • and custom programs based on your company’s objectives.

Workshops include pre and post engagement exercises and follow up on actual results. If you have training staff, I can also run train the trainer workshops on my human approach to business growth.

  • A conversation to determine your desired outcomes and how I can contribute to those outcomes.
  • Additional conversations with the intended audience to determine their points of view and challenges.
  • A study of the industry in general, the competition, and your role in that world.
  • Postsession follow up to determine what else may be necessary to meet the objectives.

The short answer is “anyone involved in the growth of your firm.” Owners, presidents, directors, partners, VPs, product managers, marketing managers, and sales managers can all benefit from these workshops.

Whether you are your organizations primary rainmaker, or have little experience in sales and marketing, or simply can’t imaging your team actually enjoying “sales,” these workshops will provide valuable, possibly life changing results.

  • Renewed enthusiasm for business development
  • Groundbreaking ideas on how to get more from less effort
  • Quick, clear communication of outcomes tied to employees best interests
  • More individual responsibility to achieve outcomes
  • Talent is attracted versus being recruited
  • Higher employee satisfaction
  • Better vendor management
  • . . .and much, much more.

A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.