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Sales Director Newsletter #258-Communication sequences, Zoom tips, Sales practice

Quick notes to help you grow your business in less time with less effort. . . sometime next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • Using a set sequence helps with communication. Take presenting a list for example. Nothing brings the list together better than the sequence, what is it? why is it important? how does it work? followed by an example.
  • The studies show most people can read text much faster than you speak. Knowing this, replace words on PowerPoint slides with images where possible. If text is a necessity, use an asterisk and move the required text to the end notes. 
  • Many presenters are using infographics today. A good infographic for distribution is different from one used in a presentation. The latter benefits from the presenters explanation, while the former is self-explanatory. Getting the mix right pays dividends.
  • You don’t want to end your presentation with a Q&A. The Q&A should be second to last. End with pre-planned closing remarks. Participants tend to remember how it started and how it ended. Starting strong and ending strong meets them where they are.

Being Human – Remote Communication

“He who laughs most, learns best.” – John Cleese

After yet another week of training via Zoom, handling sales calls via Zoom, and doing a conference workshop via Zoom, I have a few notes to share.

  • One, if you haven’t messed with Camo, the app that turns your phone into a camera for your presentations, you should. Laptop and desktops have either bad little cameras, are in a bad position, or both. Having a good camera lens just a little above eye level will make you look as good as can be when you stare directly into the unblinking eye of the camera.
  • Two, talking to a group of 40 for 100 minutes is tough. It turned me into a guy delivering a monologue because an interactive experience just wasn’t happening. It was probably because no one understood what the hell I was blabbering on about, but it may have been due to the pot of coffee I threw down before starting. To get others talking, shut up.
  • Three, screen sharing is a savior. It takes a little planning to get it right, but when you can share a screen or the screen and sound, it’s almost like you and your participants are on the same page. Even better if you can get the other people to “drive” while you watch.

Of course, nothing beats being there, in person. The smell of the buffet aging on the sideboard. Seeing Carl struggle to keep his eyes open. Watching Diana checking and re-checking her phone, growing more concerned about something. Zoom is a far cry from the richness of an in person visit, but it’s something.

Random stuff

I have consumed hundreds, maybe a thousand, books on sales and marketing. I have attended training ranging from the cheesiest packed conference center one-call-close event to the stuffiest month-long boardroom consulting methodology. At this point it’s all a jumble, but occasionally I hear myself say something and think, “nice.”

I am saying this to a new business development person to encourage him to note everything he learns about the language of persuasion, and to practice it. Eventually, good phrases just pop out.

“How do you practice,” he asks.

“Good question,” I say. “I used to practice on everyone, all the time.”

“Everyone?” he says.

“Everyone. Including family.”

“My family would hate that,” he says.

A memory flashes into my brain. I can’t remember where or when it happened, but it’s definitely my lovely bride, she’s definitely mad, and she is as close to yelling as she gets. “Don’t use that sales shit on me!” she says. Or something like that. As soon as the memory flashes in, it flashes out.

I look into the camera lens and try to make what looks like direct eye contact.

“Who knows what will happen?” I say. My cheeks flush.


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Greg Chambers:
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