Build on Your Strengths

Build on Your Strengths

This article originally appeared in Amalgamate: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business, Summer 2015

I have a bias. It happens when I think about your business.

I default to creating or uncovering the innovative ideas inside your business. Breakthrough concepts. I want to encourage visionary thinking. Invent ways to propel the business to the next plateau in the S curve of growth.

Whether you need it or not.

It’s part of my VIA Character Strengths Profile: Creativity, ingenuity and originality. (Followed by Humor and playfulness then Capacity to love and be loved. Remember that. You can use it against me later.)

Propulsion to the next level comes from focusing on one or two areas. Concentrated effort to gain speed. Those areas are where we focus strengths on strengths. Dr. Seligman has a tool he uses in PERMA called the Via Survey of Character Strengths.


His premise is that after you’ve identified your particular strengths, you apply them to challenges in your day to day work life. More importantly, you should have your team apply their strengths to their day to day work life. Strengths building on strengths.

It’s easy to imagine how it works. When confronted with challenges like unexpected events or new regulations, apply your strengths. To discover a new path that takes advantage of new technologies or to combine tools in a unique way, use strengths.

It reminds me of Steffi Graf. Did it matter that every opponent knew that her backhand was her weakness? More to the point, did she focus on fixing her weakness? Her time was spent improving her already powerful forehand and excellent footwork.

She built on her strengths.

Greg Chambers:
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