Teleseminar Increasing the Value of Your Law Firm with FIT


Value lies in the eye of the beholder.

Join us on this New Webinar Designed and Presented by Greg Chambers where he explores how law firms are valued and how you can increase the value of your firm.

August 25, 2016

Increasing the Value of Your Law Firm with FIT is an all-new program designed and delivered by Greg Chambers which outlines on the steps required to uncover the long term value hiding in law firms. Whether you’re a partner of a firm looking to increase the value of your largest personal asset, or you’re an associate looking to identify the best way to maximize what will be your single largest investment ever made, this webinar will help you understand how your firm is valued and what levers will improve the worth of your asset.

Benefits include the following improved results and outcomes:

* Focus on what experts agree is the most important component of firm value.
* Multiply your effectiveness using tools and tactics that fit.
* Understand how your firm is going to be valued in the future.
* Use the power of story to shape perception of value.
* Avoid the biggest mistake firms make in building value.
* Prepare your team to execute on your vision.
* Enjoy incredible Return on Investment with these tips.

This unique webinar, which uses a real case study from Greg’s experience, will focus on the process necessary to identify the greatest lever in building a firm’s value and how you can work to improve it today. Greg has worked with multiple professional service firms but this presentation applies to lawyers who are interested in accelerating the value of their firm, their biggest single asset.

A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.