
Speak Softly and Wear a Loud Shirt

Kimo’s Hawaiian Rules

wear a loud shirt

In my past I spent time trying to build a Tropical Shirt company. Mad Gringo. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

My mother passed this t-shirt wisdom on to me. Rule #4 kills.


Never judge a day by the weather.

The best things in life aren’t things.

Tell the truth – there’s less to remember.

Speak softly and wear a loud shirt.

Goals are deceptive – the unaimed arrow never misses.

He who dies with the most toys – still dies.

Age is relative – When you’re over the hill you pick up speed.

There are 2 ways to be rich: Make more or desire less.

Beauty is internal – Looks mean nothing.

No Rain – No Rainbows!

That embodies the perfect Holiday spirit.

Good stuff.

About the Author: Greg Chambers is Chambers Pivot Industries. Get more business development ideas from Greg on Twitter and .

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