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Business Growth Newsletter #203: Sleep routines, Storytelling, Turkey talent

Quick notes to help you grow your business in less time with less effort. . . sometime next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • Sleep impacts performance. While it may be impossible to control your team’s sleep schedule, it’s worth reminding your people by circulating a few sleep study articles.
  • An idea for completing routine, repetetive tasks without a drop in quality: set a timer and play the same music.
  • Figuring out why things are the way they are takes more energy than making changes as you move forward.
  • Every hour spent volunteering gives your team a full day of contentment. Schedule it for them.

Being Human – Insert story here

“‘History’ is mostly ‘story.’” — Ken Burns

If you’re looking to improve your sales presentations, find places in your presentations to tell stories. You know this and do it already, but when I observe sales calls I rarely hear stories being told. Especially when prospects ask questions.

Much like how an image can convey “a thousand words,” a well placed story does serious heavy lifting for you. It can be a personal anecdote, small stories work better than epic tales, and specifics work better than generalities.

Start gathering stories by looking at your common objection cards. What’s a quick story you can tell instead of your standard rebuttal? Think of it like how you’d explain your business to a friend unfamiliar with your services. You’d naturally use stories, metaphors, analogies, and similes. It’s how humans have communicated for eons.

Do it.

Random Stuff

Moments like these

It’s fun to have all the babies under one roof for the holidays. This time we even have the wayward cat, Ajax, gracing us with his presence.

This year we have Thanksgiving dinner at a family member’s house but still make our own turkey at home for leftovers. The carving duty is left to me and I turn to Youtube. The Culinary Institute guy walks me through the messy business of carving the beast and I learn a few things. Who knows when I’ll ever use these skills again?

Turns out, three hours later! The family in charge of the turkey asks, “who here knows how to carve the turkey?” I am only one whiskey into the afternoon so I grab a sharp knife and jump into action. Before I get the legs off, a small crowd gathers and oohs and ahhs their approval as I twist and turn the bird, expertly carving as if I’ve done this before. It’s good for the psyche.

Maybe I’ll have a new job for the holidays. It’s more glamorous than my usual gig but I’m sure at the end of the night the dishes will still be there.


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Greg Chambers:
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