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Greg’s Right FIT #353 – This week: Change, Jungles, Colds

Quick notes to help you grow your business in less time with less effort. . . sometime next week.

In this issue:

– Thoughts on Momentum
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Thoughts on Momentum

  • The newest people on your team are the best at dealing with change. The script of the future they have planned in their head is open for rewrites. More experienced members of your team need more time to process things.
  • When you’re confronted with a big change, take it under consideration. It’s not a personal commentary on you. Take it under consideration then change your approach.
  • When change comes, and you see something you would have done different if only you had known, leave it. Save the shoulda-woulda-coulda analysis is for planning. Work the new plan with the tools at hand until better ones show up.
  • It’s impossible to anticipate all change, so keep the vision consistent without being married to the details for getting there. Every step into the future is a new world. Be willing to change the next step without taking your eyes off the prize.

Being Human – Try, fly, or die

“NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky,
And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.” – Rudyard Kipling, the “Jungle Book”

I’m working at a charity event with a stranger. As we dance through each other’s backgrounds looking for common ground we land on the time I worked with his brother. We sold life insurance (or tried to sell life insurance) and my new friend said, “tough business,” which was true for me.

At that time in my life I had been recruited to a new agency from my old one. When I announced my move to the manager he said something like, “do you really think playing golf on a new course is going to improve your game?” I had made up my mind to move, so I took his comment as sour grapes, but he was right. To engage in work we need one of three beliefs:

  • Belief in the company’s vision.
  • Belief in our co-workers.
  • Belief in the customers we serve.

I didn’t have any of those things. To stick with my ex-manager’s analogy, I didn’t like the idea of getting better at golf, wasn’t a fan of my four-some, and had no interest in the game. Going to a new golf course wasn’t going to change a thing. I quit within a year.

I keep this idea alive by telling strangers you either try, fly, or die. It’s the law of the jungle. Adapt, migrate, or perish. If you’re not into the company’s vision, your co-workers, or your customers, either adapt, find a new gig, or stick around and suffer.

You’re in control.

Random stuff


“My cold is worse than yours because it’s happening to me.”
– overheard a husband saying to a wife one time

I caught a cold. Remember those? I thought it was allergies, tested multiple times to make sure it wasn’t Covid, and went on with life. I usually have a battle with hay fever at least once each spring and fall, but this was different. It hung on, and the congestion moved from my sinuses to my chest.

Then my lovely bride started coughing.

Now branded as my household’s Patient Zero I set about recovering. Or trying to speed up recovery. I tried massive doses of vitamin C but felt canker sores, so that’s not the answer. I tried a Hot Toddy (or three) but was told booze may not be the answer. I tried cough syrup (which tastes way better now) but was told booze may not be the answer.

Side note, it’s been a while since I bought Robitussin and the box has some serious warnings to the youth thinking of using it for fun. I knew some kids who hammered cough syrup before going to parties. This was in the years before we were of legal drinking age. The dark ages. I didn’t understand at the time, but now I kind of get what they were after. Not enough to start mixing mini batches of “lean” . . . I mean, not even close to understanding that. But as I drifted through fitful sleeps and wicked strange dreams, I’ll admit, it tilted my consciousness. (and it kept the coughing to a minimum)

It turns out boring old water, rest, and time works best. Sigh.


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