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Sales Newsletter #247-Allocating value, Business wants, Clergy

Quick notes to help you grow your business in less time with less effort. . . sometime next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • Economic models exist which don’t correlate to the laws of supply and demand. It’s not just remote villages in New Guinea though, sometimes it’s in you. Take time to wonder about how you allocate value in your dealings with others.
  • Your people’s ability to weather mistakes is tied to their backgrounds, support systems, and beliefs. Before asking them to take chances get a feel for where they’re coming from, shore up any weak spots, then ask.
  • Capital which is inherited – whether financial, social, or cultural – doesn’t always have to be reproduced or multiplied. You can also give it, reduce it, or transform it. In the end it’s your choice, your own economic model.
  • One more short thought on economic models before heading into the weekend. Your economic decisions don’t have to be based on experience, standard rates, or industry averages. Sometimes despite the ROI, we just do things.

Being Human – Your business wants

“What do you want out of life?” I asked, and I used to ask that all the time of girls.
“I don’t know,” she said. “Just wait on tables and try to get along.” She yawned.  – “On the Road” Jack Kerouac

What do you want out of life? 

Great question. Often the answer is “it depends.” It depends on what my family is doing, what my neighbors are doing, what my peers are doing, or what I notice on my way to work. As life goes on, the answers change. It may still be “it depends,” but as time ticks along we learn to filter our wants through our past because we won’t do this or that again.

Then, we get where we are and have what we got. When asked how we arrived here, a narrative develops. Looking back, this led to that, and 3 was followed by 4. It’s hard to remember the non-decision decisions made along the way, let alone why we wanted the things we sought from life along the way.

This is why it’s best to keep the future at a high level of abstraction. “I want to end up happy, surrounded by family,” or “I want to end up rich, surrounded by the trappings of wealth.” Broad sentiments give you wiggle room. The philosophical among us might call this adhering to principles. (as Groucho Marks said, “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well I have others.”)

What we want out of life will change over time. The fates  make sure of that. Regardless, it’s still a best practice to think about what we want from our spin around this world every once in a while. Especially with the businesses we run because what we wanted from it five years ago is probably not the same as what we’ll want five years from now.

Random stuff

“You can’t hit a target you cannot see, and you cannot see a target you do not have.” Zig Ziglar

Most of the organizations I work with are working through the dual issues of inertia and certainty. As in, their people are set in their ways, and know too much to take chances. The processes I teach help them navigate change, and my instructions can be summed up as follows: set a direction, be flexible.

Last weekend my direction was set northeast, back up to Door County, WI for a favorite nephew’s wedding. The flexibility? I was called on at the last moment to be a substitute minister for the wedding.

This is why, for a week now I have been ordained with the Universal Life Church and can legally wed willing participants. Which I did for the first time last weekend. The bride was beautiful, the groom muy guapo, the setting glorious, and it went off without a hitch.

Taking my own advice, as they say.


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