Decision Making and New Business Project Proposals

Decision Making and New Business Project Proposals How can you make sure you win more proposals? Take a hint from Roger Hornsby and make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. As he so astutely put it, “The first rule of baseball is to get a good ball to hit.”

Speak Softly and Wear a Loud Shirt

Kimo’s Hawaiian Rules In my past I spent time trying to build a Tropical Shirt company. Mad Gringo. Maybe you’ve heard of it? My mother passed this t-shirt wisdom on to me. Rule #4 kills.

Ditch Data Driven, Become Data Aware

On Being Data Aware An interesting debate recently raged between myself and a wise client on my advice to his group about becoming a more “data driven organization”. On one side is the dream of having and using our treasure troves of information to make amazing discoveries and decisions. On the other side is the […]