On the Nature of Work

On the Nature of Work This weekend’s New York Times Magazine focused on worklife, and it’s worth picking up. Or reading online: New York Times Magazine. After reading the stories on the quest to build a perfect team, work-life balance, and improving meetings I had one thought: your worklife satisfaction varies depending on the control you […]

Newsletter #1 – Schedules, Pre and Post Meetings, You’re Not a Tree

GREG’S RIGHT FIT NEWSLETTER Quick notes to help you get more done in less time. . . next week. Welcome to the first edition of my weekly, week-end primer. In anticipation of my upcoming book, The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth, this newsletter has concise advice you can put it use. . .next week, […]

Level Up

Level Up Are you a gamer? Are your kids gamers? Look at how games are structured: unlimited lives. Sure, you may only have 3 or 5 or 7 in  single game, but you can keep hitting reset and re-playing those levels over and over again, right? Well, apply that to your business.

I Want That

I Want That This article originally appeared in Amalgamate: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business, Summer 2015 Today there is a lot of cash in the system looking for opportunities. The press is full of Mergers and Acquisitions news. I just saw a 2015 stat that shows trillions of dollars available for either Strategic […]

Predictable Growth Teleseminar

Predictable Growth Teleseminar Chambers Pivot Industries Presents: Predictable Growth in Unpredictable Times Getting consistent growth despite what’s said on Squawk Box and the WSJ A New Teleseminar Designed and Presented by Greg Chambers February 16, 2016

Into the Mailbox: Price Increases

Into the Mailbox: Price Increases It took a full month in 2016 before this prompt came across my monitor: “Greg, talk to me about price increases. How do I do it without losing customers?” (Last year it was the first week in January. You can see some of my pricing posts here: Chambers Pivot: Pricing) I’ll […]


5% Human beings have a hard time with the idea that small progressions can lead to incredibly big results. This idea has been picked up by my brain in three different instances this past week. I’m re-reading Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point and he asks how tall a piece of paper will be if you fold […]